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Permanent marking of the tags is one of the most common requirements, which in practice we see. Thanks to long-term experiences we are able to choose not only proper technique but also deliver a machine with accessories such as precise tag loader.

For different materials, we can offer a few applicable ways how to mark tags, according to the frequency of changes of data, the number of signs per line, etc.

How it works

An automatic tag feeder with dot-peen marking head ADP5090 is a professional solution on the top level. Tag feeder consists of tag magazine and pneumatic loader. For simple tag marking with a regular benchtop dot-peen machine, precise loading socket as an optional accessory can be provided. This tool makes all operations (loading, tag fixing) easy and safe.

Quite often, tags have to be coated or protected by another way as a surface treatment. For example, if detailed, tender graphics should stay perfect after zinc galvanization, we will guarantee it by using a VIBRO4 pin. This pin ensures that zinc will stick onto and around marked lines and they become extending from the surface like embossing. Highlighted graphics in this way is perfectly readable. We can provide custom tag marking as well.

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